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10 tips to create a newsletter your readers will devour

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Writing a newsletter every month or more can be daunting, especially if you’re also writing a blog. But, there are ways to boost the number of eyes reading it instead of deleting it.

Using some design tricks, content tips, and making sure you know who you’re creating your newsletter for will make this marketing marvel work hard for you every time you send it into the world.

Ready? Let’s go.

1. Establish design cohesion

When your reader opens your newsletter, they should instantly recognize it as belonging to your business. The design and feel should reflect your website.

Use the same fonts, colors, spacing and branding.

This is crucial. Don’t cause brand confusion by creating a completely different look for your newsletter. The big guys promote their brand in every nook and cranny. So should you.

2. Keep it simple, but not too simple

Don’t allow your newsletter design to become cluttered with too many things. Keep it simple. Your goal should be to guide your readers through the newsletter exactly the way you want them to view it.

Use images, graphics, typeface variations (bold, italics, etc.), and white space to leave breadcrumbs for readers, leading them to the most important parts of your newsletter—and ultimately to your call to action.

Speaking of your call to action, make sure you have one. Otherwise, why are you sending out a newsletter? Keeping your design simple helps your call to action stand out.

3. This is your chance to connect personally

Email is a more personal medium than a website or blog. This personal feel allows you to speak to readers more intimately and let them get to know you better.

It’s like your readers are inviting you into their home when they sign up for your newsletter. In contrast, when they visit your website, it’s more akin to running into you at the grocery store.

Don’t squander these moments. Show your readers who you are. Let them into your life and business. People are looking for authenticity. Give it to them, and they’ll come back for more.

4. Don’t forget the introduction

One way to create a more personal feel with your newsletter is to start with an introduction. Many newsletters jump right into the business of the day, so to speak.

Rather than getting right to it, start with a bit of conversation with your readers. 

Tell them what’s happened since you last spoke to them in the previous newsletter. Then, tell them what to expect from you with the new release. Continue to speak to them like a good friend, and they’ll respond as a friend would.

5. Talk directly to your readers

When talking to your newsletter readers, speak directly to them. This is about them after all. Don’t talk about some vague idea or customer out there. Write to your reader.

Using the word “you” accomplishes this better than anything. 

Make sure reading your newsletter benefits your readers, not just you. Show them you have their best interest at heart. Yes, you’ll have a call to action, but make it something they truly can use. Make their lives better by offering something they actually need or want.

6. Know your audience

In order to speak directly to your reader, you must know who your reader is. Existing clients sign up for newsletters more often than prospects. If you’ve done your homework to gain customers in the first place, you should know who your ideal customer is and therefore who is reading your newsletter.

From that information, you can determine the best type of content to include in your newsletter and understand how to talk to your audience.

7. Marrying your blog and newsletter

Many websites have both a blog and newsletter. In a perfect world, a new blog post will be posted at least weekly, and a new newsletter will be released at least monthly. I find it easier to use the two together when they’re not published with the same frequency.

When you’re planning content, plan the two together. For example, you might create a theme around the time of year, an event, or a milestone for your business. You might make sure one of the blog posts for that week plays to your theme. Then, include that post in your newsletter.

8. Create themes

Speaking of planning, a great way to get ideas for your newsletter and your blog is to create themes. You can use the suggestions above (time of year, events or business milestones), or create your own based on news or events around your industry. Be creative. Surprise your readers.

9. Share older blog posts

Don’t forget about past blog posts. They can be used in newsletters any time. It’s a great way to bring fresh attention to them.

Pop previous blog posts into theme newsletters or connect them to upcoming events or even news. Many of your readers may have never seen those posts before. And those who have will enjoy seeing their favorites again.

10. Write about what inspires you

Finally, write about things that inspire you. Write about what you love, people you admire, businesses you respect. Sharing these things adds to the authenticity readers search for. Don’t be afraid to dig deep.

Now, go get it done

Take these tips and make your newsletter the best it can be. Use your imagination. Include your readers. Turn them into raving fans.

And, as always, if you need help getting these things done, I’m right here. Call anytime.