Copy Cat

8 powerful reasons to hire a freelance writer

I bet you’ve thought about hiring someone to write your marketing or website copy. Then you thought, “I’ll just do it. I can write about my own business.”

Most business owners don’t really like to write sales copy and aren’t that good at it. Rather than hire a writer, they often do it themselves. They think they can’t afford help with it, or no one else can write about their business better than they can.

Both of those things are a myth, and freelance copywriters prove it.

1. Hire a specialist to deliver the goods

Let’s say you cut hair for a living. You’re great at it. Your clients love you. But now you need copy written for your website, and you’re only an okay writer. Would you decide to do it yourself? You shouldn’t! You wouldn’t ask a writer to stand in for you and cut someone’s hair, especially if they were only okay at it.

Your business deserves a professional, no, a specialist, to write your marketing copy. This is how you’re selling yourself and your products or services.

Why settle for only okay? Your content is just too critical. Hire a freelance copywriter.

They specialize in creating content that works for you 24/7. They write it day in and day out, always perfecting their methods and generating new ideas. They’ve learned what works, squeezing every last drop of impact out of every word they use. You’re always in good hands with a professional writer.

2. Professional copywriters know how to get results

Freelancers are professionals who’ve been honing their craft, often for years. They know the secrets to writing successful copy that sells.

They also know working closely with you to learn about your business is a key factor to the success of their copy. That relationship with you and your business helps them understand the benefits of your services and the desires of your customer.  The writer then puts those benefits into convincing words for prospects to connect with.

Don’t overlook freelance writers with less experience. You can find fantastic writers who are eager to grow their businesses. Interview carefully to find the right fit for you.

3. You’re too close to your business

Have you ever noticed that when you talk to people about your business, they sometimes stare at you with a glazed look in their eyes? That’s because you’re using corporate speak, buzz words and jargon specific to your industry, and the poor people you’re talking to have no idea what you’re saying.

This happens because you’re too familiar with your business and its internal workings. When you try to write your own marketing copy, you may struggle to use plain language that your audience understands and connects to. It’s difficult to shift your thinking to a more creative style that appeals to readers.

However, freelance writers are quite adept at taking that complicated industry speak and writing concise copy that draws readers in, creating a feeling of connection to your product or service.

Freelancer’s find ways to elicit emotion and desire. That’s the sweet spot—using the benefits you offer to customers and moving them to action. 

You simply can’t get to the sweet spot if you can’t create desire for what you offer.

4. Employees not required

For many businesses, this might be the best reason. Employees are expensive, and it’s hard to find good ones. Not to mention you must pay for benefits. Boooo!

Hiring a freelancer gives you greater flexibility where employment is concerned. They won’t be your employee, so you only pay for their professional services.

Freelancer’s rates will also typically be lower than hiring an employee or even an agency who has to pay employees, facility costs, etc. Meanwhile, a freelance writer’s overhead is much less, which often enables them to come in with lower fees.

5. Freelancers are creative and dedicated

Professional writers know how to use language to their advantage, choosing words carefully to appeal to your customer’s and prospect’s deepest desires. This is how their great content creates leads. Trust in their ability, and you won’t be disappointed.

In addition, freelance writers run their own business and must perform at a high level to maintain their clients and create repeat business. They don’t have other duties within your company, so their attention is not interrupted by other distractions. They get to know and understand your business at a deep level, focusing on exclusively writing your content.

6. You can use them as you need them (and can afford them)

Since a freelancer is not an employee, you can hire them only when you need them. No need for a permanent employee who may or may not have enough work to keep them busy. This strategy allows you greater flexibility with your work and budget.

A freelance writer can also work on projects as they fit into your budget. If you have a large project that isn’t currently in your budget, work with your freelancer to do it in phases. This method gives you the ability to move a project forward and not destroy your budget in the process.

7. Freelance copywriters free you up to do what you do best

You started your business to serve your customers with your product or service. You’re good at what you do. You love helping people benefit from what you sell. Why would you spend your precious time spinning your wheels writing content? You should be building your business instead.

Freelance writers can step in, learn about your business, and use that information to write copy aimed at creating desire for your product or service. You get to do the things you love—run your business and sell your product. Your freelance writer puts your marketing copy to serious work in the meantime.

8. Bad writing looks unprofessional

This should be reason enough to hire a freelance copywriter to handle your content and marketing copy. When your website or marketing materials are filled with bad writing, it makes your business look unprofessional.

When you look unprofessional, you lose business.

Professional writing is possibly the best investment you can make in building your business. Don’t do it yourself. Bring in an expert.

Hire a freelance writer

Now that I’ve made my case, go out and find the freelance copywriter who’s the right fit for your business. You can usually find them in your local area, but don’t overlook working with a freelancer remotely. They can do everything you need them to do and never be in your immediate area.

The process of working with a freelancer is much smoother and more effective if you connect with them and feel comfortable with each other. If you would like to discuss your project with me, I’d be happy to take time to see if I can meet your needs. Call or email any time.